資源來自: 18P2P (關閉註冊中) ( http://www.18p2p.com/forum/)
作者: llwwdd 時間: 2008-01-06 16:54 標題: [推薦] 展望08年好萊塢熱門影片[12P]
目前分類:Movie (6)
- Jan 08 Tue 2008 21:25
- Nov 21 Wed 2007 14:31
[Movie]I'm Not There(音速青春)– Bob Dylan
- Oct 14 Sun 2007 16:43
[Commerial]Canal+ Brokeback Mountain +English subs
- Sep 02 Sun 2007 15:33
[轉載]Movie: The Last Mimzy - Synopsis
resoure from: http://www.newline.com/properties_the_last_mimzy.html
Based on the acclaimed sci-fi short story by Lewis Padgett, The Last Mimzy tells the story of two children who discover a mysterious box that contains some strange devices they think are toys. As the children play with these “toys,” they begin to display higher and higher intelligence levels. Their teacher tells their parents that they seem to have grown beyond genius. Their parents, too, realize something extraordinary is happening. Emma, the younger of the two, tells her confused mother that one of the toys, a beat-up stuffed toy rabbit, is named Mimzy and that “she teaches me things.”
As Emma’s mom becomes increasingly concerned, a blackout shuts down the city and the government traces the source of the power surge to Emma’s family’s house. Things quickly spin wildly out of their control. The children are focused on these strange objects, Mimzy, and the important mission on which they seem to have been sent. When the little girl says that Mimzy contains a most serious message from the future, a scientific scan shows that Mimzy is part extremely high level electronic, and part organic! Everyone realizes that they are involved in something incredible…but exactly what?
- Aug 05 Sun 2007 17:01
[Movie]THE PUNISHER -電影心得
繼追殺比爾(KILL BILL)之後,我看過值得紀錄的為了正義而進行追殺的影片。劇情言簡易懂,一位臥底探員殺了黑幫老大的兒子,而慘遭老大殺害全家大小,而主角貫徹DIE HARD的理念進行復仇的行動,正確來說是"懲罰"。
- Apr 11 Wed 2007 10:01
[Movie]巴黎我愛你 Paris, Je T'Aime
《巴黎我愛你》(Paris,je t'aime)─差異的凝視與技術的編織
除了官方宣導片以外,要去談論一個城市,勢必要從某些人、某些故事去切入,不過現在就連懂行銷的官方宣導片,也知道要這樣操作。要談「巴黎」,就無法不談「巴黎人」,;而「巴黎人」又不只侷限在出生在巴黎的人,還包括移民、遊客、流浪漢等等,於是「巴黎─巴黎人─正在巴黎的人」這樣的連結,究竟面貌與意涵為何?怎麼用言談、影像去勾勒出來?是伊森霍克和茱莉蝶兒(《愛在日落巴黎時》Before Sunset)倆人九年後巧遇,在這城市中走動、停駐休息,戀人絮語式的巴黎?還是《巴黎初體驗》(The Dreamers)談論六八學運(1968)時代背景下的青年人愛情與友情糾纏下的巴黎?或是像陳湘琪提著行李不停的走、喝咖啡喝到吐(《你那邊幾點》What Is It There?),旅人狀態下的巴黎?都是,也都不是。